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Sting-Free Serenity: Harnessing the Natural Power of Plants to Deter Unwanted Bugs

Although the weather here in Southwestern Ontario has been... unpredictable, to say the least, there is one component of the Summer months that has remained reliable: unwanted bugs.


Personally, the most annoying pest on my own property is Mosquitoes. They have been rampant this year, more so than the first couple years we have resided on our Brant County property. Something in the weather patterns and perhaps the plant growth has led to a insurgence of these bitey buggars, and it is driving us nuts! Or maybe its the uncommonly often and unpredictable rain fall we have been having - keeping our puddles and ponds high!


However, a discussion with my friend Priscilla (RBC mortgage broker extraordinaire) led to the 'plain as the nose on your face' information that we can plant specific plants in our gardens to deter pests! Now, thinking about it, things such as Citronella plants are obvious, but there were a few that she shared that I did not even think about! Pests such as mosquitoes (of course), flies, spiders, and even some herbivore mammals (looking at you rabbits) can be off put.


Here is a list of four plants that can help make your garden (and yard) a less appealing stop:


1. Lavender (thanks Freepik for the image)


Due to the essential oils found in the leaves of this fragrent bloom (not only useful in calming the body or getting a good night's sleep) these plants are great at discouraging unwanted pests (although Bees do love them and can make lavender flavoured honey). It is a perennial plant, so a one time ourchase with recurring use. It is drought resistant and hardy. it does require full sun (ideally), and blooms in Summer to Fall.


2. Rosemary (picture c/o FreePiks)


This tasty herb (great with poultry recipes) is note worthy for its ability to repel moths, flies and mosquitoes. It has a woody, strong scent; this is what the bugs do not like. It is an annual, so it will only last the season unless you bring it into the house over the Winter/cool Spring. It does best in hotter temperatures and moderate watering.


3. Lemon Grass (or Citronella grass)


This strong scented grass is valued for its citronella oil (famous for its anti-mosquitoe properties), and can reach glorious heights of up to four feet! Although it is a perennial, it is not frost tolerant, and can also be invasice; as such, it is recommended to treat it as a large container plant and bring it into the house for the Winter. Otherwise it is a low-maintenance plant.


4. Catnip


This readily available plant is possible already in your garden for your furry feline's enjoyment. It is a very prolific grower, and often tries to take over unoccuoied gardens if we are not careful. However, when managed, it is a fantastic mosquitoe deterrant. Once again, it comes down to the oils in the leaves. There were even scientific studies showing it more effective as a bug repellanet than mand-made chemicals! As a segway, we can also use this to point out that many members of the mint family in general are suitable anti-mosquitoe plants!


5. Marigolds


Not sure if you are like me and were taught to plant Marigolds in vegetable gardens to ward off invading nibbling pests, but here again I come across this information. They have a strong scent that dissuades pests (from caterpillars to mosquitoes) and make a beautiful garden or vegetable plot border. The downside is these plants are annuals, so again, unless you wish to keep them insdie durin cooler months, they are annual purchase. But so pretty!


Thanks Freepik for the image.



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Tips for Leaving Messages with JLC!

With the oncoming warm season, and the massive uptick in outdoor activities here by our staff (including myself), our customers may notice that there is a surge in having to leave messages on our answering machine or email.


This is not a bad thing! We will strive to return your communications the next business day, however, to make this process more efficient, I thought perhaps I would suggest a few tips.


#1 Be sure to relay your address

     Whether you are a potential new customer or a seasoned loyalist, it is always helpful to provide your address so that we know where we are envisioning. It also makes searching in our database a smidge easier.


#2 Please pronounce your phone number slowly

     We all know how we become programmed to rattle off our phone number, however, please be sure you speak it slow enough that we can hear it down the long tunnels of the telephone wires. The pattern of three numbers, pause, three numbers, pause, three numbers has actually been studied and found to be a mnemonic memory tool.  We as humans are better able to process values in that pattern; this means we are more likely to interpret what we are hearing and be able to record it correctly.


#3 Do not be afraid to repeat your phone number

    Although technology is great, even when we press the button that is made to relay to us the date/time and number that left the message, sometimes (if your listing is fancy) it will only reiterate a name. Therefore, we appreciate if you repeat the phone number, just in case we did not get it the first time.


#4 A brief description is fine

     Since we are going to be calling you back regardless, even if our response may not be in the affirmative, a one or two sentence description of your topic will suit us fine, just enough to put us in the right direction. Unfortunately, our messaging system does have a time out length, so we want to be sure that the contact details are a priority.


We understand that you are calling us with a topic that is on the top of your to-do list, and we endeavour to assist you as quickly as possible; as such, we appreiate when you understand that we are not always able to comply immediately, especially when setting up new services. We must be sure that everything is correctly quoted, scheduled and prepared for - as the saying goes, "measure twice, cut once"! With the quick start to the season our estimator (a.k.a our Manager Jeremy) is often pulled in many directions on a given day. Jeremy is best able to predict the needs and most efficient ways to addressing your lawn and garden plans. This lawn care experience also makes him key to directing our teams. Your patience for quotes and service scheduling is greatly valued by us.


We are honoured to be your choice for your lawn and garden care needs, and we look forward to working with you this season!


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A Growing We Will Go

The turn of events in the weather atmosphere has had us spining!

With a crash and a thump we fell from warm to cold to freezing to... holy cow it's SPRING!


We thought we were ahead of the game sending out the estimates to existing customers in March, but then we had to spice it up and jump right into services by the first week of April! We had thought last year, when we started April 15, that it had been an early start.. but no, no, this year had to put that to shame!


So here we are! Flying! We have already completed the first round of corn gluten application (for crab grass prevention) and are working our way through the first round of Spring granular fertilizer applications.


Our cutting crews started their lists this week, only to be interrupted by monsoon rains yesterday, which then paused only to restart in the evenings leaving marshy ground for the morning.

As a Spring move, Celia also purchased some plants for the office a couple weeks ago.

... Too late has she learned that if she does not want me to kill them, they should be cacti.




However, I will do my best! Today I have managed to identify them - thanks to some input from a staff member at Park Road Veterinary Clinic. They have one of the types of plants in their exam room, which we saw while our dogs were donating blood to the Canadian Animal Blood Bank. Of course, it is a plant named after my least favourite species: Snake plant - Sansevieria. I am now going to google the heck out of how this thing is supposed to be cared for, starting with this article.


The other plant appears to be a Calanthea. This one is taking a bit of a hit already under my attentions, so I am hoping I can revive it! Starting with this article, but I think I will need more information for this one. The leaves are already yellowing and I keep seeing a lot of contrary diagnosis so... we will start from step 1.


I like plants, don't get me wrong, but I have never dealt with ones like this. At home I pride my self on orchids (constructive neglect) and succulents/cacti. As such, I make no promises. But. If I manage to kill these plants (that cost the company money) I will replace them with a Spider plant and perhaps some cacti... nothing like having a plan B.

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Is the weather giving you a Spring in your step?


We are having the weirdest "Winter" in our recollection. 

A few weeks ago was the topper. A thunderstorm in February, broken up by a bout of hail, is one for the diary for sure. When we checked the weather apps this morning, we were told only a 30% chance of rain, and not until noon. The sky was beautiful and blue, the sun bright and warm... glorious.


Then the sky turned dark.


The temperature perhaps stayed the same, but if felt colder. 


I had thought perhaps it was just trucks driving over bumps in the roadway at first, but then the real rumble of thunder broke out, followed by the cracks of lightening. We had crews out doing some early season garden edging; it was not long before they called in to say there were going to have to head back. As they were driving back they had lightening strike not far from the truck, and hail followed soon after. It was a collective decision that today would be an inside play kind of day.


This did not change much for my duties personally, as I have been engulfed in computer screens since last week, working on our first round of estimates for the Spring/Summer seasons. Now we have a few hundred estimates waiting for the finishing touches (and approval from the Boss) before we send them out. Our estimates sent out early in the season contain what we have coined our "Money Saving Packages" where we share the complete lawn care options we have, along with the recommendation of our 10% discount for those who pre-pay for their seasons' services. This is our way of passing along our gratitude. 


Now that we have prepared for our recurrent customers, it is a good time to suggest that if you were curious about having us take care of your lawn's needs, now is a good time to inquire. The oddly warm weather enables us to assess properties quickly and efficiently without having to wait for a "melt". The Money Saving Packages are available to new customers if it is before we start property visits. This is a great opportunity to get a jump on refreshing your property. Our estimates can be customized with additional services if there is something specific you are looking for too.


If this thunder and lightening, wanna-be Spring storm, has you looking at your lawn anew, give us a call - we could help the grass to be greener this season.

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First trial by fire

This past weekend was... snowy.


All our team members were out in one capacity or another from Friday until early Monday morning. The temperatures ranged from 4 to -18 C with wind gusts and overcast skies. Whether we were in trucks clearing driveways and lots, hand bombing salt, or shoveling, we worked hard to keep everything clear. Sunday in particular, it was fierce.


It was darn cold when I was out shoveling and salting in Port Dover Saturday, and, after a day out working muscles that have not been stretched in those directions for awhile, the following day felt even colder and longer... whether in actuality or just in my mind. I put to use some -ancient- hand warmer.. pads? Packets? Those little "open and expose to air" things. They were not necessarily fast enough to warm up off these hop, but they did kick in and by golly was I grateful. I had been losing feeling in my fingertips within my winter gloves, even though they are well insulated and made for Winter weather, and the little.. heaters (one either side of my palms) heated the blood circulation enough to bring them back to life. We tackled a big residential suburb that we care for, with 100+ individual houses. We hand shovelers are responsible for the walkways, steps and directly in front of the garage door (to remove risk of blades from the machine plows hitting the doors). We had a crew of five, including our beast of a muscle machine boss Celia, to attack these properties. We started around 7am and finished up around 3pm; for a change it was daylight the entire time we were there (usually we are there well before the sun rises, however this past weekend the weather insisted on maintaining a steady snow fall our start was delayed until it started) and that helps it not feel like such a chore.


Other team members had started at 4am and worked until about 9am, then coming back out later in the evening to re-do what had once been done. Sleep is a valued commodity during these heavy snow falls. That and food. We get hungry, so quick visits to Tim Hortons for a bathroom break and a quick snack happens. 


It is three days later now, and today is the first day my muscles are not whole heartedly asking me to curl up into a tight ball and snuggle away the day. Today I have the wonderful update from Jody that it is snowing again... lather, rinse, repeat.

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A salting they will go!

Today's weather, albeit grey, slippery, cold and ... depressing, is actually very exciting for us here at Jody's Lawn Care! We have been watching with baited breath for cooler temperatures, and get a comical giddiness when we see the "special weather alert" posts on our Facebook pages for Ontario snow warnings. With the falling snow/rain combo and low temperatures, we have our salters at the ready to ensure that there are ice free areas throughout Simcoe, Port Dover and Cambridge (and often areas in between)!


We did some salting over the weekend, and those same teams are out today. Salting may seem like a simple, basic, affair, but it is very important. Salt is the first line of defense against slips and falls, and ice accumulation. This is very important not only for our business owners, but all traffic (whether vehicular or pedestrian). Safety is the most important consideration when you tackle Winter weather, whether this is maintaining good body posture (lift with your legs!), ensuring you are wearing proper Winter attire (boots with good tread are essential) or thinking ahead (like applying salt to the parking lot and sidewalks).  Jody's team take this all seriously. and this includes not only actually salting, but also inspecting the site throughout weather events to ensure it is looked after (site visits are free and just help us guarantee the property is safe for our clients/the public). So if you see our team out, be aware we are working to keep everyone safe.


The weather forecast is calling for a moderate amount of precipitation over the next few days. Temperatures are a bit variable, so whether this will be rain or snow remains to be seen. Regardless, we assured we will be attentive and prepared to mitigate the risks.


Be careful tonight with the commute home, roads are not going to lie this freeze/thaw situation we are in. Leave lots of room between vehicles and drive slow. There is no rush to get home, it is more important to get home in one piece. Stay warm and stay safe!






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Oh the weather outside is... unreliable

We have closed out 2023 and are now staring down the barrel of 2024.


New Year's Eve had us out salting, combating the long foretold -mild- snow fall. It was not a huge amount, our shovel crews were enable to stay home safe and welcoming the new year in, but our salters were out ensuring the safety of our customers. The weather forecast for this month so far is looking a little snowier than last, so we have crossed our fingers and toes that it will work out in our favour (not sure which way that is precisely, but the Fates will know). 


I also discovered there is a camera on the Port Dover lighthouse (did you know?!) Port Dover Lighthouse Live Webcam - useful for checking if I have to be concerned about a 3am wake up to shovel!


The Winter Solstice has passed us by, bringing back gradually brighter days - although the recent cloudy days are not allowing us to see the benefit, yet. Already my brain is jumping ahead to April when we will start sending out our estimates to our warm season clients. I think I am just craving the sunshine, this grey, dreary weather is a huge damper on spirits.


I have to remind myself to enjoy what we have. It was kind of pretty yesterday with the crystalline trees and fresh, white snow. It was not deep, but if you snapped a picture before you tred on it, you could pretend. The temperatures have been reasonable too, although to be honest, it feels colder than it really is due to what we have been spoilt with. When it was -3 yesterday, I just could not seem to feel warm once I got inside the house, although I am pretty sure this time last year it was feeling more like -30.


Our dogs did not mind, relishing the long awaited snow baths and skidding fun. Running over the coyote tracks we found coming under one back gate and (we assume) hopping over the other. Even with the cold and snow, the scavengers had been out. This has been an odd Winter for them. Their coats have not completely changed over as they should, and the mud/rain has been less than satisfactory for their amusement. 


We are all waiting to see if we get a true Winter or if we skip straight to Spring.


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Merry Christmas 2023

There are only three days until Christmas! 


Everyone celebrates the holiday season differently, regardless of ttheir beliefs. Here at Jody's we have spent a lot of time watching the weather reports and planning for "what ifs". The weather stations tell us there will be no white Christmas, but that doesn't mean we do not have to be prepared for cold and ice. A fresh salt delievery is to arrive today to ensure we are well stocked over the holidays, just in case.


Our office will close from 4pm this afternoon until next Wednesday morning - although that does not mean that our team is not "on call". We just will not be answering the phone or email until after Boxing Day. Please feel free to leave messages for us that we will return then. Jody will still be watching the weather raptly, and sending out teams when needed to ensure that ice is thwarted and snow removed! However, at this point it is not looking like there will be snow until January at the earliest! The words "El Nino" seem to be bantered about our office, to the point I looked up what it meant; here is what CTV says: El Nino 2023: What to expect this winter | CTV News


As such, our expectations for a Wintery season are sadly low. 


But, in a way, our employees are grateful for the break. Jody himself will tell you of times on Christmas where he and his family were out shovelling snow before presents. Our snow team are aware that they may be called in during this primarily family time to look after snow removal if necessary - it's part of our cree. Thus, the forwarned lack of snow (albeit bitterweet for the pocket book) is not to be completely disapproved of. 


We wish you all the very happiest of seasons, and may health and wealth come your way!


Merry Christmas! 





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The Holidays Are Coming!

The common theme of conversation in our office lately seems to rotate around the fact that time is passing uncomfortably fast, and we are already almost halfway through December!


Not only, dare we say it aloud, have we NOT had show -le gasp- but it does not look like there is to be much snow in the forecast for awhile yet. Now, this is ignoring the premonition from Jody that the weather stations will (with a great deal of hope) forecast that we will have snow on Christmas eve - because, as he points out, we all hope for a white Christmas.   


Jeremy gaily tells me there is only 18 days until New Years. I feel about ready to bury my head in the sand. I am NOT ready for this! We have family gatherings on the horizon; all of which I have tried to plan for, but held off picking up items since I didn't want to be too early. Now, I am second guessing and swallowing the urge to rush t the shops to purchase everything I need! We have dinner at my husband's parents, Christmas day we will stay home and enjoy the peace, and then Boxing Day we are having both his family and my family over for dinner! We are going to rock it a bit traditional, appetizers of kielbasa with fried perogies, cheese, crackers, deviled eggs, M&M Meats Asian party pack, baked Brie, chips & dip, tortilla pinwheels (another first attempt for me), and fancy punch (my husband is set on a recipe from his childhood). This is to be followed by a traditional turkey as the main, with a root vegetable/brussel sprout medley in balsamic vinegar, milk bread, squash, cauliflower and cheese, cranberry sauce, potatoes, parsnips, three bean salad.. debating a pasta addition of some kind but... would that be too much? Dessert is a Yule log from Ritzy's bakery in Waterford, along with small temptations like rice krispie squares, perhaps a cheese cake sampler, and trifle (I have been practicing mimicking my grandmother's trifle).

So,there is that plan.


However, the more pressing short term concern is this Saturday we are having another set of parents over for dinner - with an attempt at something different, Quail and lamb with extras. Not sure if it has been done before, certainly not by me, but there you have it! I have to figure out my sides for this as well... thinking roasted potatoes, egg fried rice, asparagus, butternut squash, maybe a cucumber salad for some crisp freshness? Dessert will likely be decided the day of, perhaps with something our parents bring to the table. For bread we may break tradition a little and have Challah bread as that is a favourite... I wish I could say I baked it myself, but it eludes me so far. 


... the holidays are coming, and all I can worry about are the meals! 

I haven't even started on presents. I am not a big fan of presents, I am more about the time together and enjoying each others company (food is lovely too), but the presents seem to be a thing. I will try to figure these things out soon - the clock is ticking. Best start writing my lists today... >_<



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Closing of one season, waiting on the true start of the next!

Yesterday was the day that we finished up the Fall clean ups. This is where we go to properties, rake up leaves (either to take them away or pile/bag for the property owner), cut back tall grasses, and tidy up any seasonal plants (as requested). 


This weather has been UNBELIEVABLE for this time of year! We were able to take on more clean ups than we had originally planned due to the mild temperatures and lack of "the white stuff". The unfortunate part is we are still receiving calls from new customers looking to have the clean ups done. We regret to say that we are having to decline accepting these requests, as we must put away our Fall supplies and tools in order to ensure we have our Winter items/supplies to hand for the early (usually before sunrise) preparation to salt and shovel. We are entering into a holding pattern to be prepared to ensure sidewalks and driveways are safe.

For those who wonder when they should request a Fall clean up to ensure we are able to complete it before our change over: please call us in October to set it on the schedule. That way we are able to plan when we can quote it and have a rough idea of when we can complete it, and how many team members it will take. Your intel on what your yard usually requires is very helpful with this process. We do reach out to past Fall clean up clients usually in the beginning of October to initiate this process, but do not be afraid to contact us first!



We have finalized our Snow Lists as well, and are therefore unable to accept new inquiries for theses services (in both our Simcoe and Cambridge locations). We apologize for the disappointment, however please understand that although we are excited about the amount of snow staff we have this year (we have a fair number of new hires that we have great hopes for this Winter!), we have to be realistic about the number of properties that we can reliably manage. We also have to prioritize our existing/all year clients as well, since we wish to reward their loyalty (our customers mean a lot to us). We also must have a cut off for adding to our snow list - snow management is something we cannot modify on a short notice, we must have a plan for these 2am wake ups! As such, we are not able offer more snow services this year.


We are on that weird tightrope of being excited and anticipating the snow... but also enjoying the lack thereof. Who knows what Mother Nature will bring, but we are doing our best to be ready for it!

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