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Oh the weather outside is... unreliable

We have closed out 2023 and are now staring down the barrel of 2024.


New Year's Eve had us out salting, combating the long foretold -mild- snow fall. It was not a huge amount, our shovel crews were enable to stay home safe and welcoming the new year in, but our salters were out ensuring the safety of our customers. The weather forecast for this month so far is looking a little snowier than last, so we have crossed our fingers and toes that it will work out in our favour (not sure which way that is precisely, but the Fates will know). 


I also discovered there is a camera on the Port Dover lighthouse (did you know?!) Port Dover Lighthouse Live Webcam - useful for checking if I have to be concerned about a 3am wake up to shovel!


The Winter Solstice has passed us by, bringing back gradually brighter days - although the recent cloudy days are not allowing us to see the benefit, yet. Already my brain is jumping ahead to April when we will start sending out our estimates to our warm season clients. I think I am just craving the sunshine, this grey, dreary weather is a huge damper on spirits.


I have to remind myself to enjoy what we have. It was kind of pretty yesterday with the crystalline trees and fresh, white snow. It was not deep, but if you snapped a picture before you tred on it, you could pretend. The temperatures have been reasonable too, although to be honest, it feels colder than it really is due to what we have been spoilt with. When it was -3 yesterday, I just could not seem to feel warm once I got inside the house, although I am pretty sure this time last year it was feeling more like -30.


Our dogs did not mind, relishing the long awaited snow baths and skidding fun. Running over the coyote tracks we found coming under one back gate and (we assume) hopping over the other. Even with the cold and snow, the scavengers had been out. This has been an odd Winter for them. Their coats have not completely changed over as they should, and the mud/rain has been less than satisfactory for their amusement. 


We are all waiting to see if we get a true Winter or if we skip straight to Spring.


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